I scheduled a follow-up with the hand doctor for Wednesday, but fear and panic over the weekend got me to change my appointment to today. I was pretty close to 1.) going to the ER yesterday to get this growth removed or 2.) getting out an exacto knife and slicing the thing off myself. I had a full-on breakdown over it last night, crying ridiculously from the discomfort and fear. As far as pyogenic granulomas go, this one is a superstar, in a class of its own. Most are a couple of centimeters across. Mine is over 20. Its growth rate is so rapid that it is alarming. Of course, I fear that it could be something worse. Letting this thing just keep growing…I just can’t do that.
But cooler heads (Nicole’s) prevailed. I called the doctor first thing in the morning and begged for a slot today. They were very accommodating (perhaps they heard the fear in my voice?) and put me in for late morning. Nicole was able to leave work and come with me, to act as moral support/my voice/a steady and calm force in case I fell apart, which is quite likely these days.
I am so happy to report that tomorrow I will be going in for hand surgery and removing this thing. I am so happy I could cry. And I am so relieved that I don’t even care that this doctor isn’t covered by my insurance.
The PG has more than doubled in size in less than a week, and it has gone from unsightly and annoying to quite painful and frightening-looking. My doctor—who has the best bedside manner in the world—was upfront: He said that it could continue to grow if we just left it on my palm, due to pregnancy hormones. I talked about the pain I was feeling and about my fear of being able to take care of two babies with one hand, since the other hand has to be elevated by my shoulder to minimize the stabbing pain. And it is not just babies—it is hard for me to do anything with my left hand at all. He was looking at it very carefully and I could see his mind working. I was on the cusp of my seat. If he said to wait until after birth to deal with it, that was Nicole's cue to step in and insist it be removed (she would need to do the talking as I am sure I would be crying). But it didn't come to that: He agreed that it was time to remove it.
Caveat: There is a chance that it will return, but if that is the case, we will just remove it again. I’ll take my chances. I will take the pain of removal. I just want it gone.
Surgery is tomorrow. It will take about an hour from start to finish (from prep time to bandaging). I also have a sonogram and NST tomorrow. So tomorrow will be a long day at the hospital.
For those of you who are truly curious what this is all about and want to see a picture, I posted a couple on my old picture site (I so need to update my pictures). It is not for the weak of heart/stomach. It shows what it looked like last night. Click here if you want to see what I have been whining about. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Pictured above: The famous hospital pain scale. I am definitely not in dire straights, but I am not exactly a smiley face either.
Good luck and I'll keep my fingers crossed that is doesn't grow back.
ooooo eeeeee. that PG is somthin' else, girl. very impressive and interestingly gross. my dad even thought it was spectacular - he's a doc. glad you'll be getting it removed - i am sure it will not be comfortable but at least will be mentally much easier. i keep thinking that all this just goes to prove (in life) that we can waste all kindsa time worrying about stuff, but it's stuff we never thought of that will rear it's head anyhow! hang in there and keep us updated. hugs
That is a wonder of wonders....as in, it could be one of the 7 wonders. Did you name it ?
I'm SO glad the doctor is taking it off. You are not kidding that you will need both hands....functioning in a few days.
HEY ! I thought I predicted Monday as labor and delivery day ?!
What I meant was THURSDAY. The babies are coming on Thursday.
Make sure to post lots of pictures.
(p.s....I responded to your comment on my blog)
so so so so so so so effing GLAD that you are getting THAT removed NOW.
I honestly cannot imagine how you have managed this far- seriously- you get like 500 gold stars.
I know your day will be exhausting- but if you think of it at the time will you have another NY blogger just fill the rest of us in on how it went??
OUCH! I'm so glad you're getting it removed! You poor baby!
Oh my GAWRSH! If they would not have removed it? I would have been late to work tomorrow and come over with my handy dandy first aid kit and cut the bugger off myself - I'm SOOOOOO relieved for you.
And thanks for the pictures - it's freakishly cool.
Good luck tomorrow! Better now then when the babies are born! At least your stress level will go down a few notches!
I think I'll pass on the pictures, but good luck with the surgery tomorrow. I'm glad you are getting this resolved.
Wow, I agree with everyone...removal is definitely for the best right now.
Good luck tomorrow.
I am so glad you posted pictures! That is one big PG. I would want it O-F-F as well. Good luck tomorrow!
Good luck tomorrow!
OMG that looks insanely painful! Thank goodness the doc listened to reason and your honey didn't have to get tough! Sending you lots of good vibes/prayers for tomorrow!
Thinking of you and wishing you the very best with the surgery!
Wow. It really has grown. It stands up like a little cake now. Impressive. Truly horrifying. I am SO SO glad that they are taking that fucker off. Thank heavens.
To quote Julie "My God! It looks like there's a meatball growing out of her hand." Hope all goes well...
Whatcha up to on Sunday?
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