Monday, January 15, 2007

Numbers Game


Those are the chromosomes tested in my FISH test. Tomorrow we will know if either or both of our babies have any of these trisomies. And we will know for certain if they are both girls. A clean report tomorrow bodes incredibly well for the amnio, because the doctor is most concerned about the 18th and 21st chromosome, apparently (relation to the cysts).

The FISH test takes a mere 36 hours, which means my results were ready-to-read at about 8 p.m. on Saturday. I am assuming they are sitting in my genetic counselor’s inbox, computer or otherwise. I am calling her at 8:45 a.m. I am hopeful I will get the results right away. I don’t know what I will do if I have to wait. The wait so far has been torture.

I took a benadryl so hopefully I can sleep tonight. Less than 12 hours to go.


whatthef*ck said...

fingers crossed.

Sophia said...

us too

Tamsin said...

Hoping the numbers are good for you xx

Dee said...

Sending positive thoughts your way. I'll check back frequently for an update. Hugs.

Briar said...

Sending all my hope your way. Everything crossed.

lagiulia said...

thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to reading you, but I'm sending prayers that everything is ok. I will keep checking in to see your results. Hang in there

Anonymous said...

delurking to send you lots of positive thoughts.

Targetgirl said...

I am sending all my positive thoughts to you today. Hugs, I hope you find the results asap.