Monday, July 07, 2008

Home Again; Red White and Blue Mystery Solved; and More Later

We are back from our mini vacation and it was great. The red white and blue present mystery has been cracked! I want to write all about it but I need to settle in and put everything back in its place. But here are some pictures for now, and I will have some big news in my next post!


Jess said...

Not fair! I can't wait to hear about the red, white, and blue mystery.

Anonymous said...

what?? you tease!

Audra said...

Such a tease! I'm on the edge of my seat.

Anonymous said...

awww man!!! such a blog-tease!!!
at least you knew well enough to ply us with adorable cuteness in the photos!!! you and nicole have such a lovely family...

waiting patiently for the riddle to be revealed...
