There was a kindness-of-strangers moment when a security guard came up to us while we were waiting outside on line and said “Come with me.” At first my heart dropped and I shuffled through the last hour to try to remember if I did anything wrong/illegal. But he assured me all was well and told me to follow him. I did, once again showing my gullibility. I’ll follow anyone with an earpiece or a clipboard. He brought me inside to where the signing was going to be and told me he didn’t like seeing babies outside in the grime and drizzly rain. So so nice. He also brought in people in wheelchairs and on crutches.
So we ended up first in line. First! I felt bad, since there were die-hards who were probably waiting on line for days, but what can you do. We were up front in the line anyway. But first!
You could tell when Rosie came into the signing area because there were thousands of flashes from the photographers there. I was trying to figure out how I was going to push the stroller while carrying Maddie and the books and the bottles and the burp cloth and all that when Rosie came over and asked the babies’ names and how old they were. Then she asked if she could hold Maddie. She took Maddie and there was another round of flashes from the photographers. I tried to get a picture of her holding Maddie and the result was not so good. Not one of my better picture-taking moments. But look how cute Maddie is! She stared at Rosie and I think it may be because she kinda looks like Nicole. Same coloring/hair. Then again, Maddie is going through a stage where I think she thinks everyone is her mother.
In my previous pre-babies life, I interviewed celebrities here and there and some of them were so pretentious. In that previous life, I went to a publishing party that Rosie was at (during her Rosie O’Donnell show days) and she was with a cluster of people and seemed so distant, for lack of a better word. I can’t wait to read this new book, and her take on fame and its trappings. This time, seeing her, Rosie just seems like a genuinely nice person; down-to-earth. And you can tell she really cares about the charities/causes she supports. And we see eye-to-eye politically. And we both share an obsession with Barbra Streisand. Anyone who loves Barbra is ok in my book.
It’s October. It is supposed to be chilly. I should be in a sweater and maybe a scarf at night. I should be able to wear my new boots. I should be eating more caramel apples. I should be pulling out my turtlenecks. Instead, I am pre-cooling the bedroom at night and taking yet another cooking hiatus.
Is it wrong that I am sitting here blogging while Maddie plays in her exer-saucer and watching a tivo'd Dancing with The Stars? Does that make me a bad mom?'
Pictured above is Maddie and Rosie. Under that is Maddie in her exer-saucer thingy, which she loves. And below that is a picture of Miss Avery, all 15-plus pounds of her!
* Sorry for the bad pun.
delurking to tell you how cool that rosie held your baby!!!!!! way to go maddie. i, too, cannot wait to read the book. i get her! no, leaving her in the exer-thingy does not constitute bad mothering. you seem to be doing a great job by the looks of those babies! and kudos to you for going to the book signing in the first place on a yucky day with TWO babies!!!!! i will look for maddie in the press. brava ~kathy
So awesome. I adore Rosie. When I worked on this show in NY we used to spend downtime in her studio and she was always, always so fun and cool.
That is an awesome photo!!
Will be looking forward to your book review.
Rock on. you met Rosie!
Uusally a lurker but they showed you and the babies on Entertainment tonight with Rosie!
Delurking to say, Saw you and the girls on Access Hollywood also. You and your girls are famous now!
I saw you guys too. How wild is that? I remember thinking "that baby in the stroller looks like Avery from Arcane Matters". Had no clue I was right. Congrats on being famous girls!
Can I say I knew you when??
Seriously, these are the perks of raising your children in the big city :)
So jealous !
I'm sure you will be able to choose from NUMEROUS photos from a ton of magazines. Scrapbooking moment.
Awww, lucky Maddie! :)
I am also delurking to say OMG!! I read your post with envy and awe. I love Rosie so much - I read her blog every day and agree wholeheartedly about all the things I have "in common" with her. I assumed (and hoped) that she would be as kind as you said she was, I am so glad. Can't wait to read her book too! BTW, I love your blog and your family is beautiful.
usually a lurker your blog because I'm trying IUI myself....anyway, I think you may be mentioned in Rosie's blog today....don't think she has the girls age right though (9 months?) is a cut and paste:
people r snaked thru the stacks
i see a mom
with twin 9 month old girls
double stroller
she lets he hold one
and so it begins
the exchange - hello
i c u and u me
you can find the whole entry at:
That is awesome!
How cool! And the blog mention! The twins are celebs!
How neat!
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