The hand wound is getting worse, not better. We just went to the doctor and spoke with the ob/gyn and I am being admitted to the hospital now to get IV antibiotics to treat this nasty infection (latest diagnosis: something granuola with MSRA). It is still localized, thank goodness. But I am glad finally everyone agrees with me that we shouldn’t just wait till Monday to see the ID doctor and e shoudln't be waiting for this to invade my bloodstream. I am packing a bag (ugh) and checking in now. I’m bringing my computer and hope I can use it. Otherwise, I will have to talk Nicole through updates. No talk over having the babies yet; we have to see how I respond to the meds first. Ugh again.
Please think all sorts of positive thoughts.
well, speaking as one who's been in the hospital for about 30 days... you're gonna be in good hands. i am sending you major good thoughts and by the way, congrats on being almost 36weeks! hopefully they'll kill that infection right off. hugs
I hope your hand gets better quick & your stay in the hospital is short!! We'll be sending good thoughts your way!! :)
yikes! I so hope this is a quickie stay and nothing long term.
sending masses of positive thoughts your way.
Hope your hand heals quickly and without any further complications.
Thanks for the link on the side "A must-visit site all people who AREN'T going through infertility.
I'm not sure your link works, but I googled it. Best friend is having troubles getting pregnant. I want to be there for her. The site offers great advice.
I added it to my blog :)
Just wanted to say Good Luck and keep your spirits up!
Sending you lots of prayers/good vibes. Get well soon!
De-lurking to send you and your little ones lots of positive thoughts.
I'm really sorry about your hand and the stress it's causing. Glad you're in good care at the hospital. Wow, 36 weeks. I have a feeling we might be reading about your new daughters very soon. SO EXCITING! Lots of love to you all.
LIKE I SAID BEFORE you need BOTH hands. Get it taken care of :)
In fact, if you can...and it would be a REALLY good idea to have them add another one to your already existing two.
Please get feeling better. Hope to hear stories from the hospital bed.
Good heavens! I hope it is a quick stay and that all goes smoothly. And I hope you can still get online and update us. But if you can't, please make Nicole keep us in the loop. And let me know if I can do anything to help.
Wishing your family the best- things will work out.
Thinking very positive thoughts for you and the babes!
Hmm... no update in 2 days, I'm guessing no wi-fi capabilities at the hospital. I hope things are going ok and after a few days of IV antibiotics you can go home. We're thinking of you!
wtf? hope everything is going okay. i'd be wigging, that's for sure. looking foward to some good news.
Sending you lots and lots of good vibes....
I hope everything is ok. This no post in 4 days thing is nervewracking! Lots of healing sent your way.
4:16 on the 22nd... very suddenly thinking of you guys... hope all is well...
It's making me crazy not knowing what's up! I hope all is well. Could this mean the babies are here? Hope to hear from you soon. Let me know if I can help in some way.
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